Friday, August 29, 2014

Tebow team tracker: end of preseason

A few weeks ago I tried to itemize possible Teams for Tebow headed into training camp.  With preseason games over and the regular season about to start, let's see where things stand, and how some of my predictions played out.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Tebow to the Rams?

By now you probably know that the Rams lost starting QB Sam Bradford to a season-ending knee injury.  The news just leaked out a few hours ago, and speculation has already started about a replacement.  Predictably, "sign Tebow" tweets and blog posts have started to appear, along with the usual scornful responses.

I have held back from getting excited at previous openings, but this might be the right time to watch closely.  The Rams' circumstances offer 4 good reasons to make a Tebow redemption shot possible:

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tebow, EJ, and the Sanchize Effect

In the wake of a particularly egregious performance by all 3 of the Bills quarterbacks on roster, many fans are calling for Tebow to be brought in as a backup.

Tim would be a very good system fit at Buffalo, and has a similar playing style to EJ.  He is clearly better than Jeff Tuel or Thad Lewis by any objective or subjective standard.  Regardless of this, it is extremely unlikely that the Bills will consider signing Tim Tebow in the first half of the season.  The reason is the Sanchize Effect.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Possible Teams for Tebow - 2014 Preseason Analysis

Like many of you, I am dumbstruck that Tim Tebow may not get another chance in the NFL.  However, I have tried to keep the faith and not worry too much.  As General Patton said, "never take counsel of your fears".

Personally, I believe he will get one last shot.  I believe this mainly because he has a strong network of mentors and very influential agents.  They would have told him not to waste his time and money training if he did not have at least a reasonable chance of getting on a roster somewhere. But where?