Monday, May 24, 2021

Tebow to Jaguars


1 comment:

  1. Hey ED:
    Glad to see you posting again. Hopefully the next few months if not years will give us a lot to talk about. Here is a poem I wrote celebrating Tim's return to the NFL.


    Since turning the NFL on it's head you have had more than your share of spiteful DETRACTOR: In Denver where the air is THIN: To them it was such a SIN: That all you did was WIN: Who ever heard of the winner accused of being a DISTRACTOR:

    Your inspired quarterback PLAY: Still rubs them raw to this DAY: It's all they can DO: To contain their disdain for YOU: Now that your back for another RUN: You are poised once again to spoil their party of FUN:

    Many are looking forward to your long awaited NFL RESURRECTION: We pray it be executed to PERFECTION: AS it was on that fateful CONNECTION: Against Steeler defensive PROTECTION:
