The news media refers to Tebow as "polarizing", which translates as "some people cannot stand that others admire him". That probably telegraphs my point of view here. But I think Tebow fans and Tebow haters can all agree on one thing: the constant, intense scrutiny of all things Tebow has been by far the most infuriating thing about his career. Meanwhile NFL media insiders solemnly inform us that no team wants to deal with "the circus", by which they mean all reportage except for their own.
So here is a plea to everyone involved: turn the volume down. Place all electronic devices on mute. Let the man play football and succeed or fail on his own merits.
To the Media: no hour long on-air debates between @RealSkipBayless and @stephenasmith over whether Tim deserves another shot. No running counts of his completion percentage during OTA drills. No sifting through Eagles' trash dumpsters looking for negative comments from teammates (I'm talking to you, @MMehtaNYDN). No helicopters or fleet of television vans at training camp, and under no circumstances should there be shirtless photos in the rain. Above all, when you ask about Tim in a press conference and Chip Kelly brushes off the question, do NOT ask twelve more times hoping he will give in. He answered you already.
To the Fans: no billboards. No Tebow chants on the 2nd day of mini-camp. No frenzied arguments about how Tim would lead the Eagles to the Superbowl if only Chip Kelly were smart enough to build a team around him. No wild conspiracy theories about how he has been blackballed by the NFL because he is Christian. Tim is on a team and Michael Sam is not, in case you have not noticed. Accept that coaches want more than anything to win football games and make personnel decisions accordingly.
Most of all, ignore the haters. A small contingent of Tebow superfans have become the Knights Templar of Tebow fandom, dedicated to crusade against anyone on the internet who speaks falsehoods about Tim. Stand down. Declare a unilateral ceasefire, stack arms, and close your statistics books. The books have been erased, and Tim will stand or fall on his performance going forward, not what he did 3 years ago with the Broncos.
Ah, to the Haters: I suppose this is probably futile, but I have to try. Let it go, man. I am not sure why you resent a man for relentless pursuit of his lifelong dream when everyone else has given up on him. Tim's story may one day be a Rudyard Kipling poem or a great Philly sports movie starring @mark_wahlberg. Maybe @PetePrisco or @merrilhoge can explain why this enrages them so. I am sure of this: bitterness is not a good look. So let go of the anger. Breathe in a paper sack. Do some yoga. Buy an ice cream cone. If Tim is so inconsequential, ignore him and he'll go away.
Speaking of internet crusaders, here is a pro tip. If articles about Tebow disgust you so much, then do not read them. That would seem to be an obvious solution, and way less time consuming than posting "why are we still writing about this guy?" in the comment section of every Tebow article you find.
We do not have to ignore him completely. Reasonable mentions in media analysis about the QB competition in Philly are acceptable. Fans may purchase Tebow jerseys, wear them to Hooters, and cheer when he plays well. Haters who root for the other 31 teams may rejoice in the possibility of their team playing against him and exposing him for the fraud you believe he is. Unless you are a Steelers fan, of course. You do not want to touch that hot stove again.
At this point in world history, anything worth saying has probably been said. Teddy Roosevelt pretty well summed up the Tim Tebow situation a century ago:
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.Let's all get out of the arena and let Tim Tebow strive.
holy shit. this is absolutely beautifully written. it should be published somewhere where "sane" and "insane eyes will catch it. great job, Ed!
DeleteI agree. This is exactly what we all need to hear.
ReplyDeleteITA, Ed. I'm even more of an extremist & am refusing to contribute to 'the circus' by not clicking on any Tebow articles or listening to/watching any Tebow discussions on radio or tv. Unless it's written or reported by someone credible, like Schefty or Mort, I'm not going near it.
ReplyDeleteSo far so good on the coverage. I am pleased with the muted & somewhat respectful comments that have been made by some (not all) but I have learned to ignore those. Espn has not gone bonkers & Schefters comments have helped set the tone for the coverage by diffusing the situation. The Eagles have not added any fuel to the fire by parading their new signee around in an airport hangar & I hope we don't see Tim give any interviews until its necessary.
DeleteAll in all round one belongs to us.
Thanks for the info, Bob. I'm glad things are going well so far. I'll still be in media blackout mode for a while. :)
DeleteThat's probably the best approach Brooke. If you do want to lift the media blackout just a moment I highly recommend the piece on espn.go by Skip Bayless entitled Chip Kelly the right coach for Tebow. Its got some great behind the scenes information on how the deal happened & what it could mean going forward.
DeleteThanks for letting me know about that, Bob. Skip's one of those few I'm willing to read/watch.
DeleteI read that and, while by default tend to take what Bayless says with a grain of salt, am encouraged by his report that CK was impressed enough by the workout to want to sign Tim right away. Except for the timing, the Barkley piece of our speculation puzzle was just about spot-on. That they went ahead and signed Tim once the Dolphins left the table as a possible trading partner for Barkley leads me to believe that the QB3 spot is absolutely Tim's to lose. Skip takes it further, as he is prone to do, and cultivates scenarios that see Tim competing for a far more substantial role. While tempted to indulge in that, it seems better to not put that cart before the horse. I kind of see this season as Tim's opportunity to learn the offense and get back in rhythm in a limited role without the pressure and expectations of leading a team deep into the playoffs. In a way it's sort of like his freshman year at Florida.
DeleteIt's the most fascinating position battle to watch in the league. I don't want to indulge either, I am just glad he is in camp with a coach who wants him & we'll see where it leads.
DeleteOne thing that stood out to me in the article was when Skip said Sanchez asked Kelly not to sign Tim. If thats true it makes for even more compelling drama. Would Chip want to keep Sanchez after that or would Sanchez want to stay??
After being away for two years & undergoing a physical & mental transformation towards the game. Tim has to relearn how to play the game of football. IMO his challenge will be to mesh the old with the new. Will he be up to it? & how long will it take?
DeleteThis is not unprecedented in Sports. Michael Jordan went through something similar when he left basketball for a few years to play baseball. I recall him saying when he came back he had to relearn the game of basketball all over again.
We all know how that turned out!
I don't know how much weight to put in the Sanchez rumor; it's exactly the sort of impossible-to-substantiate embellishment that Skip has no scruples about using to back up his hyperbole. It seems very unlikely to me that a player would ask a coach or GM not to sign another player, even with their history and even through indirect channels such as an agent. At best it comes off as a weakness of character, at worst it reads as a vague threat. Just for the sake of speculation though let's say it happened. And then CK went and signed TT anyway. What does that say about MS' shelf life on the team? Again, I'm not so sure it happened but if it did...very compelling as you say.
DeleteKeep in mind the Eagles just signed Sanchez to a 2-year, 9 million dollar contract, making him the highest paid backup QB in the NFL. So I'm inclined to mark that one down as an hysterical Skipism.
DeleteOn his show today Skip strongly reiterated what he wrote about in his artice. If it was strictly hyperbole he had me fooled.
DeleteOne other interesting thing he said was in the conversation between Chip & Sexton that initiated Tim's getting a workout that Chip was genuinely surprised that Tim was working out as hard as he was & wanted another chance to play.
I am still of the opinion that Chip will try to make a play for Mariota possibly in a three team deal.
These next 4 or 5 months are going to be alot of fun to watch.
Bob: Thanks for the Skip info.
DeleteKathryn & Ed: Does Skip have a reputation for making stuff up &/or greatly exaggerating things? If so, I'd never heard that before.
Read an article on BR about Jay Feely talking about Tim, and the guy writing had a great signature:
Delete"Tebow Takes are responsible for 25 percent of Earth’s CO2 emissions."
So true...
Feely's about as bright as a sack of hammers. Now he's posting sanctimonious tweets trying to suggest he's being unfairly attacked for his remarks about Tebow. It somehow escapes him that going on national television and throwing a young former teammate under the bus, while possibly entertaining to a subset of bitter malcontents that also enjoy abusing kittens, doesn't sit well with most of the general public regardless of how they feel about Tebow or his chances. It was unnecessary, look-at-me attention grabbing at the expense of a decent guy that's doing his best to resurrect his career and the public gets that. I agree that the Knights Templar of Tebow Fandom, as Ed put it, should stand down; but I also agree with the blowback that Feely's getting right now. It's not coming from a handful of deluded nutjobs, it's coming from just about everybody.
DeleteAnd the Colts' Pat McAffee has joined the crowd. Awesome :-D
DeleteRead the whole timeline following this tweet.
Oh, yeah, I didn't even want to get into the things he said and how all that resonated to a human being with a brain. But all the boys in the studio giggled and had their fun. And this from a guy that was a team mate with Ryan Lindley and John Skelton...
DeleteI urge anyone and everyone to read the following for a reference:
I always thought there was some kind of a code between players not to do things like that, acting like dicks to each others on live tv/national tv but I guess when it comes to Tebow, all bets are off. That was a pure dick move, imho.
Some reporters seem to be making an earnest effort to keep everything in perspective and not go overboard, but when the public appetite for an individual results in this..
ReplyDelete's only a matter of time before the sanity for which Ed made such an eloquent case reaches its limits. I'm surprised so far at the lack of restraint shown by the Eagles social media department. They've been pimping the s*** out of TT since he was signed, begging the question as to whether they learned from the Jets mistake. Let's hope everything settles down to a manageable new normal that the football side of the team can live with.
I must confess I ordered a Jersey myself. I liked what Ed said about wearing it to Hooters. ;)
DeleteThe football side has been keeping a low profile. No interviews, no press conferences. If they can continue to stay out of the spotlight I am confident this initial burst of excitement will subside.
Completely agree Bob. While the NFL Network, ESPN and other media outlets are falling all over themselves to report on this 'happening'; where the Eagles Coaching Staff has any control, they've poured water on any flame that might start. This video demonstrates this in a big way:
Love this article by Bob Ford of Philly:
DeleteYeah, I knew this was going to happen, this coverage. And it's already creeping me out. Don't like any article beyond the one that reported he signed with Eagles. Everything else is over the top and completely unnecessary.
ReplyDeleteVery little of Ed Marynowitz's press conference was about Tebow today, which in itself is good news on the circus front.
ReplyDeleteThey are handling the press beautifully. The brief comments he made were very positive; loved hearing them.
DeleteBoth the comments and the way they were handled was just great.
DeleteThe hype is already dying down. By the time camp starts he'll be just another player.
I totally agree with all your comments. The Eagles are handling this is a first class way. I am looking forward at some point to hearing what Jeffery Lurie (the owner) has to say. For the first time in Tim's career he has the full backing from his team & is getting a fair shake by credible journalists.
DeleteIt's amazing to me that all the other teams passed up on the opportunity to give Tim a look.
I think there should be a little adjustment period for him but Tim should have his sea legs under him now. When he was in New England his was unsure about who he was as a quarterback & he was caught between the old & the new. He not only looked uncomfortable executing the plays intellectually he also did not display the fiery passion we have always seen from him. Whether he makes the final cut or not I believe we will see him giving his best effort this time around.
Note of interest: The Eagles have not extended Bradford's contract. Based on today's comments I believe the quarterback position is wide open & the possibility of some more draft day trades still exist.
So, what's new? Another "football" writer calling Tebow outright dumb:
ReplyDelete"2. There’s no chance Tim Tebow makes the Eagles roster. Besides being a horrendously inconsistent passer, Tebow’s not a quick, explosive runner who can make a run-based system—even one like Chip Kelly’s—more dynamic. And something nobody’s talked about with Tebow: his football IQ is low. Excruciatingly low. Offenses have always had to be simplified for him, even dating back to his Florida days. Kelly’s system is actually one of the simplest in the league (this fact gets obscured because the offense operates at such a fast tempo), but even it isn’t simple enough."
Right. The guy who broke Herschel Walker's rushing TD record AS A QUARTERBACK is not an explosive runner.
DeleteA certain amount of these articles are just not worth dignifying by reading. Sports talk guys get paid to write shocking crap and provoke arguments. They don't care whether their opinion is right or wrong, as long as it is strong and loud. It's not real journalism with real life consequences, just gossip columns for dudes, so nobody really cares if they get it right.
Bottom line, we're happy. Tim is in a great place and he has a fighting chance to succeed based on the strength of his arm, legs, and brain, not the opinions of all the jackasses in the world. If he doesn't make the team, then he probably does not need to be an NFL quarterback, and I'll become a strong advocate for him changing positions or sports.
All we ever wanted for Tim was a fair chance. He got it. We won. The only opinion that matters for the next 4 months is Chip Kelly and his staff.
Damn I sure am looking forward to watching those preseason games!
Very well stated. I would just like to add someone needs to tell this guy & others like him "THE EAGLE HAS LANDED". :)
DeleteOh, dear Lord. I broke my news media blackout to click on a link to an article, b/c it was pro-Tebow. It turns out this pro-Tebow article is written by Ed Rendell, the governor of PA! And he doesn't just endorse Tebow, he also throws poor Matt Barkley under the bus. Oy.
Make that *former* governor of PA. But still, a former guv writing a column about a guy who's currently a team's 4th string QB? Insane.
DeleteGood for Ed Rendell. Glad he took the time to write this. rd
DeleteI think the Tebow Knights Templar need to cease fire on Sanchez. Yes, his comments were passive aggressive douchebaggery. But I don't think he was intentionally, overtly stating that Tim is only a camp arm.
ReplyDeleteAlso, lost in the discussion is that Sanchez has another teammate: Matt Barkley. It would be bad form to state that there was room on the team for Tim because Matt was going to be cut. So observing that Bradford is hurt is an easy way to point out there is both room and need for another QB
The crazy Tebow fan story line is exaggerated, but it is not entirely false. We need to dial it back and let Tim find his own place among his teammates.
ITA. I haven't liked Sanchez since he was at USC, but I find the Sanchez bashing I've seen the past 48 hours both disturbing & hypocritical.
DeleteI would have preferred to have heard him say. He is a great guy. We are all here to compete. It should bring out the best in all of us, it's good for the team & may the best man win. Sanchez has had enough experience in dealing with the media & should be savvy enough to not leave any room for ambiguity.
DeleteOn a more positive note what a great article by Ed Rendell.
It's odd to see an article by a former governor written about a 3rd or 4th string quarterback but besides an opportunity I am glad as a Tebow fan that he is getting more mainstream acceptance instead of the usual bashing. Kudos to Ed Rendell.
DeleteSanchez's only fault here is being dumb. One would think that after all this time and experience he would've learned how to feed vague pleasantries to the press by now, especially considering that he was one of two players at the center of the circus in 2012. At any rate his dismissal of Tim was clumsy and tactless but didn't seem to be deliberate. I agree with your statement Ed though I'm not sure about your use of the royal "we" given that the most obnoxious of Tebow's defenders either didn't get the memo or did and don't care.
DeleteWhether his comments were intentional or not. For me it puts into question his ability to lead a team successfully. He should have known better.
DeleteSo much buzz about Kelly, gotta wonder what he is up to.
ReplyDeleteMy theory: Chip spent 2 years trying to run his offense with immobile QBs foisted on him by his GM. Now he has personnel control and he is going to do it his way. That means QB's who are a genuine running threat.
I think he IS going to "mortgage the future" for Mariota. He knows that without a franchise QB he will never get to the superbowl, and he is never going to get one in free agency or via trade. His only chance to succeed in the NFL is to do what it takes to draft one, and MM is by far his best bet because he knows him so well.
Drafting MM would bode very well for Tim's chances to make the team.
I have long thought that Chip's primary goal is to get Mariota. There are some possible clues as to what his intentions might be.
Delete1) Bradford's contract has not been extended.
2) Bradford himself thinks there is a possibility he may be traded.
3) Sanchez's comments contradicted the comments we heard from Marynowitz. Marynowitz specifically said Tim was brought in to compete.
Bottom line: Bradford & Sanchez & Barkley do not have secure roster spots & anything can happen with them. Tebow does not have a secure roster spot either but his situation is different from the other 3.
Drafting MM will probably increase Tim's chances of making the team but it also may lessen his chances of seeing significant playing time unless Chip uses both quarterbacks. While they have similar styles they also have some differences that Chip may be able to exploit by having a dual quarterback offense. Tim is a better deep thrower than Marcus & a more powerful type runner.
While Mariota does know the offense. Like all rookies some questions remain. By his own admission he does not like the limelight. Will he be able to handle the pressures of being a rookie starting QB in Philly?
Tim on the other hand is used to being in the spotlight & has actually performed better under it. He has alot to prove also but wouldn't it be great if they were both on the field at the same time complimenting each other. Or had specific packages of plays.
If the Eagles are not able to get Mariota & there is a true open competition between the qb's they have now or any others they may invite to camp Tim may have a lesser chance of making the squad but he also has a greater chance to being the undisputed starter at some point if he performs well.
This is fascinating thing to watch. Which cards will Chip play???
PS: Help me out. Am I blowing smoke or is there substance in my commentary??
Bob. I agree with all your points. Well said.
DeleteIt's funny, we both drafted our responses to Ed's posts a essentially the same time. I came back to add one point that I haven't thought about in a while.
The Eagles can still save $12,985,000 on their CAP number if they simply 'CUT' Bradford prior to June 1st, 2015:
You never know how this might play out over the next 2 weeks. Perhaps, the Eagles might concoct a trade with someone where they are taking a player off another team's roster that is over-priced, assuming their contract for a year providing value to that team. This is a very low probability scenario; but, I could still see this happening given that Bradford is even less mobile than Foles in many ways given his current and past knee challenges.
Bob. I've also been intrigued at the thought of an NFL team utilizing a 2-QB backfield. Mariota and Tebow would be the perfect tandem for Chip to experiment in that untapped NFL scheme. I think it would be a 'wrinkle' primarily; but, you never know with Kelly. Imagine Mariota, Tebow & Murray all in the backfield for the Eagles on select plays in specific situations. Formidable. Can you imagine how wide open some receivers would be 'over the top' downfield as the DB's were sucked up to the stop the run?
Ron Dog:
DeleteMaybe that point you made about the salary cap savings becomes more relevant now that Bradford is saying he won't sign an extension with any team other than the Eagles. Of all the offseason moves Chip made this is the one I least understand. I don't believe it could have been for trade value alone. You would think a healthy Foles would have more trade value than Bradford coming off his 2 Acl injuries & his mediocre play. Maybe he thought Bradford would be a better fit with his OC Shurmer & he could get him ready for the season. Whatever the reason both he & Sanchez are making waves while Tebow has kept his head down & kept quiet.
Put your seatbelt on it could be a bumpy ride for the next few months.
I was just catching up on the latest on the Eagles and also saw the Bradford news. It appears Bradford and his agent are also trying to draw a hard line with the Eagles, asking for a no-trade clause for the 2015/16 season. I'm not sure that is the smartest move on his part; but, these are just rumors, so who really knows at this point.
DeleteI agree with your contention that a healthy Foles would have had more trade value than a rehabbing Bradford. This fact alone adds credibility to the argument that Chip wants to have Bradford as his QB1. As an ex-DIV 1 college BB Player who lost an ACL mid-career, I can tell you with some ACL recovery experience that it's not a given Bradford will be 80-100% by August, 2015. In Chip's offense, 80% isn't where you want to be as a QB1 IMO. :-(
Also, here is a pretty good article by Phil Sheridan, ESPN Philadelphia Eagles reporter; see his response to the last Question from Eric Thomason, "@SheridanScribe barring Drafting Mariota if tebow has "greatly improved" will he be considered in competition for the starting job?"
BTW, Phil Sheridan is a pretty accessible Eagles' beat reporter, he answered a question I posed to him in that same article, "Eagles mailbag, Part 2: Trades? Tebow competing?"
Those were some pretty direct answers he gave. The Philly media is treating Tim with respect more than he ever had in Denver or NY. I think that may be partly due to the way the team has handled things.
DeleteIn Denver Elway & Fox never gave him any such support & those attitudes permeated throughout the organization. Its incredible that Tim was able to accomplish what he did. Then in NY he was misled, mishandled & mistreated. I still can't believe Greg Mcelroy played before he did.
What Sheridan says about Tim is fantastic. Lets see how it plays out. I differ with him on what he said about Sanchez. After the recent comments he made I think it's possible he would go ahead & approve a trade to avoid a camp competition with Tim. I also think Tim would be a better fit to groom & compliment Mariota on & off the field.
Like I said earlier either way (with or without a Mariota signing) Tim is in a pretty good situation. It's up to him now to go out & seize the day.
So much buzz about Kelly, gotta wonder what he is up to.
ReplyDeleteMy theory: Chip spent 2 years trying to run his offense with immobile QBs foisted on him by his GM. Now he has personnel control and he is going to do it his way. That means QB's who are a genuine running threat.
I think he IS going to "mortgage the future" for Mariota. He knows that without a franchise QB he will never get to the superbowl, and he is never going to get one in free agency or via trade. His only chance to succeed in the NFL is to do what it takes to draft one, and MM is by far his best bet because he knows him so well.
Drafting MM would bode very well for Tim's chances to make the team.
Ed. You've nailed it. I completely agree with your assessment of Kelly's mindset this off-season. I would only add a couple of points that your post already implied:
ReplyDelete- Trading for Bradford was purely designed to acquire a follow-on trading asset to get closer to the #2 pick (Mariota).
- Tebow signing was strategic in that ...
. o If they can somehow acquire Mariota, they have a similar type QB who can backup the rookie or perhaps start ahead of Mariota until he is ready to go in a starting role. I suspect they'd start Marcus out the shoot.
. o If Chip can't finagle a path to Mariota in the draft, Tebow is the closest available QB to Mariota's skill set available with some upsides over Mariota (stronger, more durable, NFL experience). Chip could roll with Tebow with a game plan closer to his ideal approach.
. o If Chip chooses to keep Bradford and/or Sanchez, Tebow could be a change of pace QB and short yardage/2-point conversion specialist with a chance to become the full-time QB if Tebow excels in all the areas Chip values.
Could be interesting for Tebow on the Eagles no matter how this week and next pan out for Chip Kelly and the Eagles.
I think he'll either grab a safety or a cornerback. If MM should fall to 10 or 12 I can see CK possibly making some sort of move to get him, but the jump from 20 to 2 or 3 is in my opinion not in the cards, regardless of what sort of crazy, three-way trade scheme the press conjures up. As to TT's chances, I maintain the opinion that they are not tied to an MM signing.
ReplyDeleteMike Bianchi's column yesterday:
ReplyDeleteHere's the thing with these columns: Bianchi has been a longtime cheerleader so his remarks are predictable and without impact. He and Prisco ride around on opposite sides of the same outraged coin. If you hate Tebow and want to read a column that validates your opinion, go to Prisco. If you love Tebow and want to read a column that validates your opinion, go to Bianchi. But don't go to either expecting objective analysis or some sort of mea culpa. All they do anymore is dump fuel on the bonfire from different vantage points, each pandering to the emotionally invested on either side of the debate. What did Bianchi accomplish other than to make fun of Sanchez and hurl a burden of expectations on Tebow? How did that help Tebow? It didn't. It helped Mike Bianchi by boosting his click count. Otherwise all it did was bury the circus under another ton of cotton candy and make a few insecure Tebow fans feel better for about three seconds, all over a teammate and a remark that Tebow himself could likely give a rat's ass about.
DeleteThe columns that matter haven't been written yet, and they won't be written by these clowns. And what they have to say is entirely up to Tim Tebow.
Agree wrt Bianchi & Prisco; have read them and SMH for years regarding Tebow. Based on your response Kathryn, I'll be a little more discerning about the material I put in front of this crew. This Bianchi article landed in my Twitter feed and shared with Ed and crew. Concerning articles written post Eagles-signing, I actually think a number of the articles (this time around) have been more balanced then ever. It's actually been somewhat refreshing to read decent commentary of Tim in 2015. I'm hoping this objectiveness-trend continues as the wrapping is taken off of Tebow through the summer and into training camp. We'll see how grounded the beat writers are when Tebow more and more appears to be earning a roster spot. :-)
DeleteI'm glad you posted the article Ron Dog. We need to hear more freedom of expression not less. Yes the articles post Eagles signing have been more balanced than ever & I hope it continues. I actually liked the Bianchi artice & the more people hear that point of view the better. People can judge Prisco as well.
DeleteI don't think Chip Kelly is staying awake at night worrying what Bianchi or Prisco write but he probably isn't very pleased that one of the quarterbacks he is counting on exercised such poor judgement which led to these article being written.
Thanks again!
Here are some comments by Urban Meyer on the matter that basically confirm what we are saying.
For the most part he is Captain Obvious, but I think he is right when he says most of the Tebow hysteria is over. Sitting out for 2 seasons certainly helped Tim in that regard. The surge of coverage over his Eagles signing is already petered out. The Eagles clearly are prepared to handle it, and Tim is more savvy on how to lay low.
There will always be Priscos and Bianchis, but we probably won't see a repeat of 2011/2012 .... unless Tim starts and makes another playoff run. Then all bets are off.
I agree with Kathryn on the Bianchi article. Most Tebow articles are relatively harmless, but that one was not helpful. The last thing we want is for Tebow's teammates to be worried that everything they say about Tim will bring a torrent of Internet scorn upon them. I am sure Tim has already laughed off Sanchez's comments.
DeleteAs for freedom of expression, any and all reasoned opinions and analysis are welcome in these discussions. There's nothing wrong with posting any article, and nothing wrong with vigorous critiques of those articles. We're all friends here, at least insofar as we share the values of the athlete we have chosen to admire.
See new post on Eagles OTAs