Monday, April 20, 2015

A Plea for Sanity on Tim Tebow

Unless you are marooned on a desert island, or refuse to join Twitter on moral grounds, you know that Tim Tebow will sign with the Philadelphia Eagles today. If you did not know, you soon will. ESPN will broadcast Tebow footage on continuous loop, airplanes will tow banners over urban areas, and horseback riders will crisscross the countryside shouting the news to the last few digital holdouts. Even the Unabomber could not avoid this news.

The news media refers to Tebow as "polarizing", which translates as "some people cannot stand that others admire him".  That probably telegraphs my point of view here. But I think Tebow fans and Tebow haters can all agree on one thing: the constant, intense scrutiny of all things Tebow has been by far the most infuriating thing about his career. Meanwhile NFL media insiders solemnly inform us that no team wants to deal with "the circus", by which they mean all reportage except for their own.

So here is a plea to everyone involved: turn the volume down. Place all electronic devices on mute. Let the man play football and succeed or fail on his own merits.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Tebow to Eagles Discussion

First of all:

People have been talking since about a year before Chip Kelly even joined the NFL what a great fit Tim would be for his system.  It's such a no brainer, it's amazing that it took this long to happen.  But looking back, it could be that Tim's forced hiatus was the best thing that could have happened to him.

The best thing about this, besides the fact that it happened, is the timing.  Tim will be on board for the full offseason. That gives him a fair shot to learn the offense and compete. It was critically important that he get on a roster and start studying the playbook.  

I'm of the opinion that his late start with the Pats (June 12th) was a major factor in his struggles.  He clearly did not look comfortable with the plays.  We all know he has dyslexia so studying is a challenge.  The more time he has to find ways to visualize plays and get reps, the better chance he has.
